Paul Wesley (Pawel Tomasz Wesley) is renowned as an actor and producer. His work on the hit television series The Vampire Diaries has made him incredibly popular. For his role in the television series, he's received numerous nominations and awards like the Teen Choice Awards as well as the 'Young Hollywood Awards. Wesley was born in New Brunswick, the state of New Jersey. He studied throughout the United States. Rutgers University was his next stop. Despite this, after he realized the potential of his talent and realized that he was destined to create a career out of his extraordinary acting skills and talents, the actor resigned. His first TV appearance in an American TV soap opera Another World. The CBS Network aired 'Wolf Lake just two years following his debut on TV. In the following year, when he landed the character of Stefan Salvatore for the American hit TV show The Vampire Diaries, his career was transformed. The director has also directed a number of episodes of...